How to get the most from Twitter Chats

We’ve already introduced you to Twitter Chats and exactly why they matter. Have you scouted out some chats that look beneficial for your business, but not sure where to start or how to make the most of your time? We’re here to tell you more.

Joining a Twitter Chat can be daunting. Everyone seems to already know each other and are chatting away – there may even be inside jokes! Don’t worry – chats are in their nature friendly places, so just introduce yourself, say you’re new and give a quick overview of what you do. You’ll be quickly welcomed!

First things first, always remember to use the chat hashtag! You may think we’re stating the obvious here, but forgetting this simple thing will mean that no-one in the chat will see your tweets and will make the whole exercise a little bit pointless. Plus, following the hashtag stream will let you know what everyone’s chatting about, and where you can join in.

You will want to decide on what the tone of voice for your business will be, so you can be consistent and give your business a personality during your chats. Are you an ‘I’ or a ‘we’? Are you keeping things strictly professional, or a bit more informal and tongue-in-cheek? It makes sense to decide this at the start, rather than chopping and changing as you chat.

Bear in mind that these chats are not just a sales pitch opportunity. Don’t immediately jump in and spam everyone with your latest special offer. Put in the groundwork, join in conversations and get a rapport going with other chatters, and start conversations yourself that can then lead back to what you and your business can offer.

How can you stand out in a busy chat? Although you now have 280 characters to play with on Twitter, remember that a picture is worth a thousand words. Anything visual, a photo, video or even a GIF (if it fits your chosen tone of voice) will get more attention in a chat than a standard written tweet.

Another way to get noticed is to answer questions (and ask them!) If the topic is relevant to your business, then share your knowledge. This will give you credibility because you will be seen to know what you’re talking about. Plus, you’re helping others with a problem, and then they may come back to you in the future for more help.

If a user seems interested in what you’ve got to say, reach out to them. This can be during the chat, or as a direct message afterwards to follow up on what you’ve discussed. Secure that new lead by offering to set up a meeting or a phone call to chat about what you can offer them.

At the end of the day, Twitter Chats are just like any kind of business networking, bringing you in new leads and getting your business more exposure if you put the time in to engage with others.

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